My Husband’s Hands

I work hard. . . I understand that, I work more hours than I want to admit, I think about my students more hours of the day then they will ever know.However my type of hard work is different than my husbands. . I get up every morning I go to a place where I do my work, I work for *normally a set amount of time and I am able to come home, where I am again *normally able to then focus on being a wife and a cat mother.

Yes yes I am a teacher so I spend more than the amount of weekends than I want planning my lessons, and more of my paycheck then I would want on school supplies and clothes and anything else I think my children need. I have adopted 23 wonderfully challenging children into my heart. . but this is different than what my husband does.

When people here what I do I get “oo you have such a special heart. . . I could never do what you do. . . oh the patience. ” I am told over and over that I am making a difference in people’s lives. When people here what Mr. does it is normally Ohh that is soo cool, I have no idea how to do that. But no one tells him that he is patient or special and no one thinks about how he is changing himself, our family or the lives of people in what he does.

 Mr. makes videos, commercials and corporate videos for retreats and Church’s and all sorts of videos that most people don’t see that are made for companies and bride’s and any one else that can afford them.

These videos are made for demanding clients who completely disregard something called a work week or that Mr. has a wife and a life outside of their :30 second video. They expect him to work until 1am on a Saturday and get up on Monday and do it all again.

And he does.

He listens to their complaints, changes, he does what they want even when creatively he completely disagrees. He works 5-7 days a week anywhere from 8 to 10 to 12 to 15 hours a day. Sometimes he eats dinner with me and heads back to work, sometimes he lays down and waits for me to fall asleep and sneaks away his computer to see what the client has decided now.

So who is more patient? Me who deals with adorable children, who yes have significant special needs and sometimes bite, hit, kick me or spit in their backpack for fun, or in my face. But they are still 8 years old and adorable and when they are done they turn to me and say, “I am sorry Ms. Kelsi.” and when I come back in the room they light up and say ” I am so glad you are back.” and they mean it they love me just as much as I love them.

Mr. he pours his whole heart into his work he finds something beautiful in every painfully corporate project, and when the client yells and changes something they approved for the 15th time he sighs and does it. He doesn’t get the hug and the I am sorry. His clients don’t love him, they are thankful for his return. So to me . .. he wins the patience award.

And even if his clients aren’t happy for his return even if they don’t see his dedication as the most diligent patient work they could get. . I do. I am inspired by his commitment his love and his beautiful work everyday. He makes videos come to life in a way I never could, and he sees something beautiful in every video even when it is painfully dull.

And he deals with adults. .. which come on we all know can be so much worse than children.

So just remember that I may have “such a special heart” so does everyone else, it just comes out a little differently.

❤ Kelsi Rae

Apple Cider Vinegar . . For ALL!!

I mentioned Apple Cider Vinegar was my new found super hero in a previous post, and I am here to follow up on that. And let me just tell you, it is more true now than ever! 

I have found new uses for this miracle stuff that have nothing to do with my hair. I am still using it to cleanse my scalp when I have my braids in, it works wonders for the itching and dryness I feel when I haven’t washed my hair well with the braids in. If you haven’t seen the method for that just look at this post it will give you some info on how to use this for a scalp cleanser  ( ). But since then I have added many uses for it, This first discovery I had was that it works as a great natural face wash. I have never really been consistent with washing my face I didn’t have a huge acne problem as a teen and just never got into the habit. But I thought I would give it a try, some diluted ACV and warm water has done wonders for my skin without any of the additives that are in face washes. Keeping with the skin uses after a trip to water world, my Bf was not friends with the sun and we discovered that it can be used to relieve sunburn. 

I have used to clean my counters, my carpets and most recently my hard wood floors. It gets the stains out it gets rid of all sorts of smells. My house always smells like cat. And with a diluted ( my standard is 1/3 ACV 2/3 Water) mixture all of that is gone. I 

I have been reading up on the benefits of drinking ACV and I haven’t quite gotten myself to try that yet. If the smell covers up all of those things, now you want me to put that down my throat? I don’t know about that. But it has made me a believer in all other aspects so maybe one day you will come across the ACV cures my ill’s post on here. We will see. But for now my household has become a ACV haven and it has replaced many things that cost much more money than a simple jar of ACV for all of it. Give it a try, see what you think and if you discover any other uses for it and post them on here and I will share them! 

Hope everyone is having a fantastic week. 

Find me on Instagram @myhairenvy 

Love your do and grow that fro

 ❤ Kelsi Rae